I will get around to make them function like normal portraits at some point but the patches have made significant changes to how the game handles portraits and I have not updated them. Select the small one for the small portrait. Select the medium or large one for the large portrait. This mod is designed to work on the following Infinity Engine games: the original Baldurs Gate II (BG2 or just SoA) with or without the Throne of Bhaal (ToB) expansion, Baldurs Gate II: Enhanced Edition (BG2:EE), the conversion projects Baldurs Gate Trilogy (BGT) and Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET). RACE = HU (Human) or DW (Dwarf) or HE (Half Elf) etc
*They will simply show up in the custom section, they are named like You should now be able to use the custom portraits with no issue.
Copy these image files into the new 'portraits' folder you created Open the override folder in the zip file Open the zip file you downloaded (ie the Portrait Pack)
Create a new folder and name it 'portraits' Look for a 'Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition' or 'Baldur's Gate II - Enhanced Edition' folder